Smoke Cleansing Bundles


Smoke cleansing is common across many cultures throughout the world and a practice I highly encourage for everyone regardless of your spiritual path.

Unfortunately due to the rise of commercial spiritualism, what has always been a CLOSED practice for INDIGENOUS PEOPLE ONLY has now become a dangerous trend.

Yes, I’m talking about white sage.

To keep up with capitalist demands, white sage has become over harvested and is in danger of being unavailable for the communities it is actually native to, which is actually only a small region in the western states. Furthermore, for white sage to be used for spiritual purposes there are very specific protocols used during harvest which are just as much part of your cleansing as the actual burning of the plant. These protocols are not followed when you order from Amazon, Etsy, etc. So you’re ultimately defeating your entire purpose of cleansing. 

I encourage you to find out if and what your ancestors burned for cleansing. Unless you are a descendant of Indigenous North American people, it likely wasn't white sage.

There’s no excuse. Listen to Indigenous voices. Educate yourself:

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